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Discover the remarkable individuals who have been the driving force behind our Flylanders team, both in the present and throughout our history. From crafting innovative solutions to competing on the grand stage, these individuals have left an indelible mark on our journey.



Plane TBA

Captain - Hannah Tariq-Shuaib

Project Manager - Kevin Raghunandan

Business Manager - Tiffany Wu

Fuselage Team Lead - Andrew Jeszeck

Tail Team Lead - Aaron Hamlin

Wing Team Lead - Keyla Mejia

Electronics Team Lead- Lindsay Burke

Landing Gear Team Lead - Justin Chou

Public Relations Team Lead - Mohammad H. Aref

This year's team members will be announced at a later date. Stay tuned for the exciting reveal of the individuals who will be shaping our journey ahead!


Flying Wing

Co-Captain & Electronics Team Lead - Peter Tarabocchia
Co-Captain & Wings Team Lead - Hannah Tariq-Shuaib
Project Manager - Tiffany Wu
Control Surfaces Team Lead - Stephen John
Manufacturing Team Lead - Duane Cardino



​Bryan Bartnick, Justin Chou, Lider Delgado, Dhyeyi Kakkad, Keyla Mejia, Richard  Ngo, Mibrar Reza, Daniel Wensuslaus, Gordon Phelps, Aaron Hamlin, Rosen Kostov, Brad Odger, Lindsay Burke, Syed Haady Tariq-Shuaib, Andrew Jeszeck, Mohammad H. Aref, Kevin Raghunandan, Nick Trent, Sreyus Balasubramanian



Bi-Plane with Conventional Tail

Captain - Joshua Gaughan
Project Manager - Vignesh Sridhar
Aerodynamics & Electronics Team Lead - Peter Tarabocchia

Sreyus Balasubramanian, Hannah Tariq-Shuaib, Tiffany Wu, Stephen John, Kevin Raghunandan


Bi-plane with Conventional Tail

Captain - Miles Whitford
Aerodynamics Team Lead - Peter Tarabochia
Josh Gaughan



Plane with H-tail

Captain - Miles Whitford
Project Manager - Rohith Llamparithi
Aerodynamics Team Lead - Luis Lara Siria
Fuselage Team Lead - James Blau
Tail Team Lead - Amanda Saliman
Wing Team Lead - Yash Parikh
Electronics Team Lead- Joshua Gaughan

Peter Tarabocchia, Chris Alangadan, Jason Morlock, Stephen John, Tyler Levens, Showne Shaji, Arick IglesiasDaniel Florim, Jack Kildea, Jaisheel Shah, Jasson Guerrero, Murtaza Khan, Nicholas Elmasri


Plane with H-tail

Captain - Emily Cort 

Project Manager - Benjamin PolusIvan

Public Relations Team Lead - Andre Esteves

Lead - Miles Whitford

Kenny Lopez, Amir El-Zaghah, Matthew Burger, Jigar Surati, Ben Polus, Rohith Llamparithi, Joel Shaji, Kapil Amin, James Blau, Yash Parikh, Mike Talbot, Kaoutar Ed-douimi



Conventional Plane

Captain - Emily Cort 

Alumni Representative - Federico Caba

Project Manager - Ali Syed & Peter Mossad

Aerodynamics Team Lead - Vincent Vecchio

Electronics Team Lead - Jaemin Lim

Propulsion Team Lead - Karan Shah & Jainish Babaria

Mike Filippidis, Benjamin PolusIvan Calvachi, Johannes Seff, Michael Mansour, Monica Khella, Paurav Parik, Nicholas Lonstrup, Brandon Maramba, Tyler Adelmann

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